Finished Projects

We have developed 12 Research Grants with Romanian National Research Council (CNCSIS), ICI - Bucharest, Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza Krakowie and INFOSOC, during the period 1998-2004 (see Research Grants for details). There have been also finished the following PhDs:

  • Adrian Florea, "Dynamic Value Prediction in Speculative Architectures", "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Control Systems and Computer Science, Romania, Supervisor: Mircea Petrescu.
  • Daniel I. Morariu, "Contributions to Automatic Knowledge Extraction from Unstructured Data (Contribuţii la extragerea automată de cunoştinţe din masive de date)", PhD Thesis (in English), “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 2007 (conducator stiintific: prof. univ. dr. ing. Lucian Vintan); The Ph.D. program was partially supported from both scientific and financial point of view by the SIEMENS Corporate Technology from Munich (Contact persons: Vice-President Prof. Dr.H.C. Hartmut Raffler, Prof. Dr. Volker Tresp)
  • Árpád Gellért, "Advanced Prediction Methods Integrated into Speculative Computer Architectures (Metode avansate de predicţie integrate în arhitecturi cu procesări speculative)", PhD Thesis (Cum Laudae), “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 2008 (conducator stiintific: prof. univ. dr. ing. Lucian Vintan; cotutela cu prof. univ. dr. doc. Theo Ungerer, Universitatea din Augsburg, Germania)
  • Radu Creţulescu, "Contribuţii la proiectarea sistemelor de clasificare a documentelor", Teză de doctorat, Universitatea “L. Blaga” din Sibiu, 4 noiembrie 2011 (conducator stiintific: prof. univ. dr. ing. Lucian Vintan)
  • Horia Calborean, "Multi-Objective Optimization of Advanced Computer Architectures using Domain-Knowledge (Optimizarea multi-obiectiv a unor arhitecturi avansate de calcul utilizând cunoştinţe de domeniu)", PhD Thesis, “L. Blaga” University of Sibiu, November 25th 2011 (conducator stiintific: prof. univ. dr. ing. Lucian Vintan). Doctorand la zi, cu frecventa, finantat prin program POSDRU 7706/2007-2013
  • Ciprian Radu, "Optimized Algorithms for Network-on-Chip Application Mapping (Algoritmi optimizaţi pentru maparea aplicaţiilor paralele pe arhitecturi de tipul Network-on-Chip)", PhD Thesis, “L. Blaga” University of Sibiu, November 25th 2011 (conducator stiintific: prof. univ. dr. ing. Lucian Vintan). Doctorand la zi, cu frecventa, finantat prin program POSDRU 7706/2007-2013